The Garden Party - DVD

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Label: Adam and Eve Production
Cast: Shayla LaVeaux, Christina Angel, Brittany Andrews, RayLene
Language: Englisch
Image format: 1,33:1/4:3
UPC: 799613066793
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.

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The Garden Party

A young woman comes across an old diary while shopping for a new home. Reading the diary aloud in the company of her broker, a friend and her male companion, an erotic story unfolds. The diary is filled with sexually charged tales detailing the past, present and future of a nearby garden. After becoming aroused by the erotic stories, the four breakout into a fiery orgy brought to full burn by newcomer Angela Austin. In her first ever appearance on film or video, Angela Austin is a tall ravishing beauty with an insatible sexual hunger that will enflame the viewers lust even further.

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