Hole Busting Redheads - Gay DVD

Release date: March 22, 2011
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Label: Randy Blue Presents
Cast: Max, Dominic, Mason, Adam, Brett, Riley, RC
Release date: March 22, 2011
Length: 90 minutes
Language: Originalton
Image format: 4:3 (1.33:1)
UPC: 705105294087
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.


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Hole Busting Redheads

There is something so sexy about a guy with red hair. Sometimes it`s just a nice accent on beautiful package, like with RC. Or it`s a whole attitude, like Riley Price, who knows damn wall that being a redhead adds to his sexiness. Then there`s the physical beauty of seeing mounds of red hair cascading down a rock hard chest like with Adam Foust, making you want to run your hands through it as you explore every part of his body. And in the case of Max London, his red mane and beard add to his striking features and that hot as fuck red patch of pubes perfectly frame a big thick cock, rising like a wild animal from a flaming forest. Are they more sexual creatures than the rest, or is it just that they seem that way? Whatever the answer, there is always something so damn sexy about these Hole Busting Redheads.

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