Lifeguard - DVD

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Label: Vivid
Director: Paul Thomas
Cast: Jennifer Stewart, Heather St. Claire, Danielle Rogers, Devon Shire
Length: 90 minutes
Language: Englisch
Image format: 4:3 (1.33:1)
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.

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Director Paul Thomas has always been an innovative individual who is anxious to try the different. He may strike out once in a while, but he sure gets his fair share of home runs to make up for this! Lifeguard is essentially an interview tape with the various stars on location of one of his other movie sets. Thomas asks them interesting questions about the business and how it has influenced their lives. Short sex scenes are then inserted during strategic parts of the conversation. Lifeguard, a unique tape, is more interesting and casual than it is hot and sexy. The encounters do generate some heat, but hearing the stars talk candidly about their experiences is a more genuine turn on. Most talk candidly about enjoying both the money and the sex, but Jon Dough probably sums up the feeling of everyone the best when he says, "we do it because we get paid for it; there are times we like it —there are times we hate it." This video is not geared toward first time renters looking for fast thrills. Lifeguard aims for intelligent viewers who love adult movies and are interested in what makes the performers tick and the customers in this segment of the buying public will enjoy it.

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