5 Guy Cream Pie 18 - DVD

Release date: August 9, 2005
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Label: Kick Ass Pictures
Cast: Hillary Scott, Vanessa Michaels, Anastaza Delani
Release date: August 9, 2005
Language: Englisch
UPC: 690893151820
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.


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5 Guy Cream Pie 18

Some of these girls` boyfriends have no idea they do porn. Let alone a 5-Guy Cream Pie! Take Vanessa Michaels, for example. Her beau had no idea when she arrived home that she`d been f*cked raw by five smirking porn studs earlier that day. Did she shower after the shoot? Let`s hope so, because her boyfriend was so horny that night he couldn`t wait to go down on her. If he noticed that she was extra wet, he probably chalked it up to her being excited. Poor, dumb boyfriend. Let`s hope he gets a clue before he ends up raising a kid whose true father is a porn guy laughing all the way to the bank.

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