Fisting Jobs - DVD

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Label: MFX Europe
Cast: Hannah, Jessica, Latifa, Monica, Dyana, Saiury
Length: 61 minutes
Language: portugisisch
Country: Brasilien
Image format: 4:3 (1.33:1)
UPC: 9310255486728
Region Code Free: This DVD / Blu-ray is playable on any player worldwide.


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Fisting Jobs

Dyana is a boss who treats his employees like animals. She is in a meeting with a sales representative (Jessica) who accompanies everything. Monica is the cleaning lady of the company, uncomfortable that she enters the meeting room without knocking on the door, and she also comments on the presence of the representative that she wants a raise because she receives a very tender salary, Dyana gets angry and decides to punish Monica with the help of Jessica. In the second part Hannah and Latifia will have a consultation with Dr. Saiury, a psychiatrist, and she will try to help them. But the madness continues when Hannah and her friend Latifa decide to punish her. They, who are like a lot of fist commentary, miss another release of an MFX video!

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